Stories of Hope

Valerie Bowe




Publication date: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-907535-17-8

Category: Mind, body, spirit

Type: Paperback

Price: €8.99

A father accompanies his adolescent son into the woods to take the boy through a ritual that will enable him to overcome some of his fears. The same father learns to trust in hope when his small daughter is dangerously ill. A young woman in despair about alcoholism – (‘I could have licked it off the floor’) –  comes to understand that it is possible for her to become whole over time. An older man who suffers from depression and plans suicide is saved by falling into a long, healing sleep.

Stories of Hope is a collection of true happenings, retold simply in the voice of the person who experienced them.

Valerie Bowe has many years of experience of listening to what people say and understanding the truth that lies behind it. This skill is evident in her retelling of these stories of hope.

Stories of Hope is not a saccharine collection. It does not promise conventional endings but shows that life provides in one way or another a resolution for every situation.