The Savvy Traveller

Eoghan Corry




Publication date: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-907535-00-0

Category: Travel

Type: Paperback

Price: €14.99

Contains a wealth of savvy information on airlines, tour operators, self-catering hotels, timing and middlemen: essential advice and tips to equip people to deal with the world of travel, which has changed so much over the past decade.

Barcelona for the weekend; Prague for culture (and cheap beer); New York or Las Vegas for shopping: Irish people love to travel. But who decides where we go – the passengers or the carriers and tour operators? Why do so many Irish tourists still go to Santa Ponsa when there are prettier, cleaner resorts less than half-an-hour away by car? At what point in the airlines’ sales cycle are flight prices lowered and how are those sneaky ‘taxes and other charges’ calculated? When you book your hotel room online what percentage goes to the hotel and how much does the middleman keep? What extra delays will intensified security on US-bound flights cause for hapless travellers in the wake of the failed terrorist attack of Christmas Day 2009? Travel has changed utterly over the past decade and is changing all the time.

The Savvy Traveller is the place to find the answer to all these questions and the heads-up on many other topics.


About the author

Eoghan Corry has established himself as Ireland’s leading travel expert and is editor of Travel Extra. A former features editor of the Irish Press, he is also a renowned sports historian and the author of many successful books including The History of Gaelic Football and The Irish at Cheltenham (Gill & Macmillan, 2009).